CopraSupreme Hyperion

9-layer, high translucent zirconia. In the production process, 5 different layers of pre-coloured Tosoh zirconia powders of different bending strength (~ 600-1100 MPa) are layered on top of each other, building 4 transition layers in the process.
The result is an extremely natural colour transition with a highly translucent incisal (600 MPa) and a natural opaque dentin
(1100 MPa) for unsurpassed vivid, aesthetic restorations with up to 14 units. The new dimension in fully anatomical restorations.
Isostatically pressed with a lifetime warranty.


Hyperion Infos

details CopraSupreme Hyperion


The facts

    • isostatically pressed
    • lifetime warranty
    • available 9-layer precoloured in the 16 dentin colours A1-D4 and the bleach colours oM1, oM2, oM3
    • possible heights are 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm (only in A1-A4, B1, C2, D3, Bleach, Joy)
    • For further systems click hier


Note: On our round blanks you will already find the adequate shrinkage for Amann Girrbach* systems.



perfection for a lifetime

Perfection „Made in Germany“
Due to the exclusive use of very fine, spray granulated raw material from Tosoh / Japan – the world market leader for zirconia dioxides – we are proud to offer a lifetime warranty on our zirconia products.

CE 26 x 20 0483     FDA 510(K) K092496  yz-logo-klein    identceram-logo_klein


The terms marked with * are registered trademarks and/or brand names of the respective companies.